Pinterest Audit & Optimization

Who Is This For?

Anyone who has had a Pinterest account for any length of time. Businesses and bloggers should have audits run at least once a year.

What Does An Audit Tell Me?

When I look at your account I am looking for key points that may be missing. Everything from basics like was your account claimed? To your keyworded board descriptions. The audit will let you know what needs improving for better results.

I will also look at the pins you’ve been scheduling. Are they on par with others in that category? Do they have good keyword descriptions? What other aspects can be improved upon for continued growth?

The audit will also tell you if your account is doing well overall in terms of outbound clicks. I look at the year over year metrics and ask you for details about how it’s been managed. What strategy has been used to get you where you are now.

What Does Optimization Mean?

After doing the audit you can have the optimizing done for you. I will take the points from the audit to adjust your boards, bio, and details so that they perform better.

Does This Mean I Pay For Full Management?

No an audit and optimization can be performed individually and separate from a full-time management and strategy contract.

How Long Does This Take?

An audit can be done in one week and optimization can take up to one month depending on the scale of the account. Smaller accounts will take less time. The more boards you have that are your own the longer it will take to optimize the account.

What Is The Cost For This Service?

For a general audit with complete report the cost is $100USD

Audits with optimization are $200USD

What Tools Do You Use To Help Inform You?

I use a mix of tools to help understand your account. Pinterest analytics and if you have it Tailwind analytics.

I also use outside scraping tools like Pin Inspector and Pinclicks.

I Still Have Questions.

If you’re not sure if an audit or optimization is needed than I am here to help! Please contact me and we can discuss what you’re pain points are for your account.