Full Pinterest Management & Strategy

What Is The Difference Between Pinterest Management & Pinterest Strategy?

Pinterest management is scheduling pins with keyword rich descriptions within your niche. Pinterest strategy on the other hand is looking deeper at not only a scheduling timetable but what is working or not for your specific audience. I do both.

How Many Pins Does This Include?

Interestingly enough this is often the first question asked of me. I pin as many pins is necessary that are ‘fresh'(unique) for your content as your content will allow. Obviously if your account has 20 articles vs 200 there is less pinning going on.

I also start pinning based on what was currently being done. So if you have not been pinning at all on an existing account you don’t want to jump in by dumping 50+pins all at once. And if the account is newer the pinning will be spread out based on a strategy as well as the content.

How Many Boards Do You Make/Manage?

I only make boards when and where it is applicable and makes sense to do so. I manage all the boards in the account. If we start from zero we work up as content is added.

Audits & Optimization

All accounts are first audited and then optimized so that they are running properly before pinning begins. Depending on the size of the account this background work which involves a lot of keyword research can take up to one month.

Pin Templates

When I manage your account I make brand specific pin templates for your business. I will make these Canva Pro templates based on any input you have as well as what is currently working on Pinterest for your competitors.

These pins are used to switch up the designs and text so that you always have new pins made for your account. The only time I repin is when a new pin is being added to multiple boards.

Long term clients may see new template designs implemented as trending designs change over time on the platform. Pin designs that were popular two years ago are not in fashion now. So staying up to date is important especially since Pinterest is currently favoring newer content over old.

Repining Others Content

To fill out new boards others pinned content will be used for new accounts. When I am making a new board for an existing account I tend to try to use just your pins unless strategy informs me to do otherwise.

Tailwind VS Pinterest Scheduling Tool

I like using Tailwind to schedule out Pinterest and ask that clients sign up for the service. When you sign up it’s important that it’s not just for the free account.

If you don’t want the hassle of another bill I can sign up on your accounts behalf through my Tailwind account. The drawback for you is that you won’t see what’s being done in terms of scheduling.

We can discuss which works better for you.

The Pinterest native scheduling tool is best used only for smaller accounts that are pinning less than four pins per day. It’s clunky and slow to schedule in as well you cannot track in the tool where pins have been saved to which increases the work of adding board information to spreadsheets with dates.

There is no distinction between either in terms of reach. Both methods work just as well.

Instagram On Pinterest

Pinterest is a very fluid environment in that one must be educated in multiple areas often to stay up to date with what will or won’t help your account. They have reintroduced the ability to claim Instagram accounts.

This means you can have IG posts automatically put on Pinterest for you. DON’T. The automatic posts will muck up your created feed with unoptimized image sizes. All the IG feed text will be shared which isn’t optimized for Pinterest and it’s just not really very helpful.

What IS helpful is claiming the IG without the automatic posting feature. This will then post your Insta handle in your bio area on your profile.

Monthly Reporting

Monthly reporting is an add on option for those who wish to track closer how Pinterest is performing. I do year over year reporting for you on a monthly basis. In the report you will also find what pins/content is performing the best for that month.

Knowing what is performing well can better inform you in the coming year as well as seasonally for future content creation.

I also include what boards are performing well. Again this may include group boards. Knowing which ones are most active can tell us what people are searching for.

You can ask to have a look at audience insights included in the report. This information will tell you which demographic is most interacting with your pins as well as what are of the globe they are hailing from.

How Much Is Your Management & Strategy?

My 2024 pricing has just increased to $300USD per month on a month by month basis. Payment is due on signing of the contract through Honeybook.

When you sign a contract with me your pricing will NOT increase ever. That means even if we work together for ten years the price remains the same.

If you take a break for a year and wish to come back to Pinterest later the price also remains the same as the original contract.

What If I Want To End The Contract?

You can simply send a notice that you would like the contract to end. I do ask for two weeks notice so I have time to adjust accordingly.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions at any point before, during or after hiring me I am happy to answer.